复制 import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
% matplotlib inline
复制 from matplotlib . pylab import rcParams
rcParams [ 'figure.figsize' ] = ( 15 , 6 )
将代表日期的列, 作为index, 并根据日期的格式转换为DatetimeIndex
格式, 这样在后续的操作中很方便.
复制 data = pd . read_csv ( "AirPassengers.csv" , index_col = "Month" , date_parser =lambda x : pd.datetime. strptime (x, "%Y-%m" ))
data . head ()
复制 DatetimeIndex(['1949-01-01', '1949-02-01', '1949-03-01', '1949-04-01',
'1949-05-01', '1949-06-01', '1949-07-01', '1949-08-01',
'1949-09-01', '1949-10-01',
'1960-03-01', '1960-04-01', '1960-05-01', '1960-06-01',
'1960-07-01', '1960-08-01', '1960-09-01', '1960-10-01',
'1960-11-01', '1960-12-01'],
dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='Month', length=144, freq=None)
复制 data = data [ "#Passengers" ]
复制 [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1761c5d0860>]
有很强的趋势性, 因此肯定不是平稳序列, 需要进行转换处理, 成为平稳序列
因为后面要多次使用, 所以封装成一个函数
复制 from statsmodels . tsa . stattools import adfuller
复制 def test_stationarity ( ts , window = 12 ):
rolling_mean = ts . rolling (window = window). mean ()
rolling_std = ts . rolling (window = window). std ()
plt . plot (ts, color = 'blue' ,label = 'Original' )
plt . plot (rolling_mean, color = 'red' , label = 'Rolling Mean' )
plt . plot (rolling_std, color = 'black' , label = 'Rolling Std' )
plt . legend (loc = 'best' )
plt . title ( 'Rolling Mean & Standard Deviation' )
adf_result = adfuller (ts, autolag = "AIC" )
pd_result = pd . Series (adf_result[: 4 ], index = [ 'Test Statistic' , 'p-value' , '#Lags Used' , 'Number of Observations Used' ])
pd_result = pd . concat ([pd_result, pd. Series (adf_result[ 4 ])])
return pd_result
函数返回6个值, 分别代表:
pvalue : float
MacKinnon's approximate p-value based on MacKinnon (1994, 2010)
nobs : int
Number of observations used for the ADF regression and calculation of the critical values
critical values : dict
Critical values for the test statistic at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 % levels. Based on MacKinnon (2010)
icbest : float
The maximized information criterion if autolag is not None.
复制 test_stationarity (data)
复制 Test Statistic 0.815369
p-value 0.991880
#Lags Used 13.000000
Number of Observations Used 130.000000
1% -3.481682
5% -2.884042
10% -2.578770
dtype: float64
单位根检验的结果是不平稳的, 因此要把这个非平稳序列, 转换成平稳序列
首先通过转换函数 , 如l o g log l o g 函数来转换, 缩小值域中的差距
复制 ts = data . copy ()
ts_log = np . log (ts)
plt . plot (ts_log)
复制 [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x17621806b38>]
通过移动平均 的方法进行平滑, 得到趋势, 然后在原有的序列中移除趋势.
复制 moving_avg = ts_log . rolling (window = 12 ). mean ()
plt . plot (ts_log)
plt . plot (moving_avg, color = "red" )
复制 [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x176217b68d0>]
复制 ts_log_ma_diff = ts_log - moving_avg
ts_log_ma_diff . head ( 15 )
复制 Month
1949-01-01 NaN
1949-02-01 NaN
1949-03-01 NaN
1949-04-01 NaN
1949-05-01 NaN
1949-06-01 NaN
1949-07-01 NaN
1949-08-01 NaN
1949-09-01 NaN
1949-10-01 NaN
1949-11-01 NaN
1949-12-01 -0.065494
1950-01-01 -0.093449
1950-02-01 -0.007566
1950-03-01 0.099416
Name: #Passengers, dtype: float64
因为我们使用了时间作为索引, 所以可以直接相减, 而不用人工进行对齐, 从而大大方便了操作.
之后抛弃掉这些为空的时间点. 因此使用这种方法抛弃趋势, 会造成样本的损失 , 损失数量与求移动平均时的窗口大小有关.
复制 ts_log_ma_diff . dropna (inplace = True )
test_stationarity (ts_log_ma_diff)
复制 Test Statistic -3.162908
p-value 0.022235
#Lags Used 13.000000
Number of Observations Used 119.000000
1% -3.486535
5% -2.886151
10% -2.579896
dtype: float64
也可以使用带权值的平均方法, 这样就不会造成样本的损失了, 如EWMA等.
复制 exp_weighted_avg = ts_log . ewm (halflife = 12 ). mean ()
plt . plot (ts_log)
plt . plot (exp_weighted_avg, color = "red" )
复制 [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x17621a45eb8>]
复制 ts_log_ewma_diff = ts_log - exp_weighted_avg
test_stationarity (ts_log_ewma_diff)
复制 Test Statistic -3.601262
p-value 0.005737
#Lags Used 13.000000
Number of Observations Used 130.000000
1% -3.481682
5% -2.884042
10% -2.578770
dtype: float64
使用EWMA 方法得到的序列, 单位根检验得到P值只有0.0057, 小于1%, 因此是平稳的.
当然, 差分也会造成样本点的损失, 损失的数量为差分的阶数.
首先进行一阶差分 :
复制 ts_log_diff = ts_log . diff ()
ts_log_diff . dropna (inplace = True )
plt . plot (ts_log_diff)
复制 [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x17621af0c88>]
复制 test_stationarity (ts_log_diff)
复制 Test Statistic -2.717131
p-value 0.071121
#Lags Used 14.000000
Number of Observations Used 128.000000
1% -3.482501
5% -2.884398
10% -2.578960
dtype: float64
看出, 如果以5%的显著性水平来判断, 此时的序列仍然是不平稳的.
再进行一次差分, 即使用二阶差分 , 方法就是对一阶差分得到的序列再次进行差分. 更高阶的差分依次类推.
复制 ts_log_diff2 = ts_log_diff . diff ()
ts_log_diff2 . dropna (inplace = True )
plt . plot (ts_log_diff2)
复制 [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x17622463dd8>]
复制 test_stationarity (ts_log_diff2)
复制 Test Statistic -8.196629e+00
p-value 7.419305e-13
#Lags Used 1.300000e+01
Number of Observations Used 1.280000e+02
1% -3.482501e+00
5% -2.884398e+00
10% -2.578960e+00
dtype: float64
对时间序列进行分解, 分解成趋势 , 季节性 , 残差 三部分, 剩余的残差部分就是我们需要继续分析建模的.
复制 from statsmodels . tsa . seasonal import seasonal_decompose
复制 decomposition = seasonal_decompose (ts_log)
复制 trend = decomposition . trend
seasonal = decomposition . seasonal
residual = decomposition . resid
复制 plt . subplot ( 411 )
plt . plot (ts_log, label = 'Original' )
plt . legend (loc = 'best' )
plt . subplot ( 412 )
plt . plot (trend, label = 'Trend' )
plt . legend (loc = 'best' )
plt . subplot ( 413 )
plt . plot (seasonal,label = 'Seasonality' )
plt . legend (loc = 'best' )
plt . subplot ( 414 )
plt . plot (residual, label = 'Residuals' )
plt . legend (loc = 'best' )
plt . tight_layout ()
复制 ts_log_decompose = residual
ts_log_decompose . dropna (inplace = True )
plt . plot (ts_log_decompose)
复制 [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x176219d4780>]
复制 test_stationarity (ts_log_decompose)
复制 Test Statistic -6.332387e+00
p-value 2.885059e-08
#Lags Used 9.000000e+00
Number of Observations Used 1.220000e+02
1% -3.485122e+00
5% -2.885538e+00
10% -2.579569e+00
dtype: float64
, q
参数, 需要观察ACF 和PACF 图.
复制 from statsmodels . tsa . stattools import acf , pacf
复制 lag_acf = acf (ts_log_diff2, nlags = 20 , qstat = True )
lag_pacf = pacf (ts_log_diff, nlags = 20 , method = 'ols' )
, 会对每个得到的每个lag
对应的acf值 进行Ljung-Box检验 , 得到其中的Q-Statistic 与对应的p值
复制 (array([ 1. , -0.29259645, -0.18169949, 0.09178998, -0.26513649,
0.0744176 , 0.15706545, 0.06091289, -0.28217623, 0.13570859,
-0.19321736, -0.20189909, 0.78671457, -0.16248543, -0.23423377,
0.11972506, -0.25648661, 0.09835277, 0.12316422, 0.06351573,
array([ 12.41566087, 17.23769411, 18.47713708, 28.89337204,
29.7199457 , 33.42908605, 33.99108501, 46.14138197,
48.97286459, 54.75607791, 61.11887786, 158.47020324,
162.65515037, 171.41990724, 173.72780875, 184.4038359 ,
185.98622757, 188.48771478, 189.15838387, 202.23216863]),
array([4.25748319e-04, 1.80668436e-04, 3.50620402e-04, 8.21711373e-06,
1.67435636e-05, 8.66917700e-06, 1.72909183e-05, 2.23432051e-07,
1.67937141e-07, 3.50725723e-08, 5.74168310e-09, 1.07637782e-27,
5.71449852e-28, 3.53683298e-29, 4.35673666e-29, 1.10115181e-30,
1.84448792e-30, 1.98146353e-30, 4.81770436e-30, 4.06908408e-32]))
复制 plt . subplot ( 121 )
plt . plot (lag_acf[ 0 ])
plt . axhline (y = 0 ,linestyle = '--' ,color = 'gray' )
plt . axhline (y =- 1.96 / np. sqrt ( len (ts_log_diff2)),linestyle = '--' ,color = 'gray' )
plt . axhline (y = 1.96 / np. sqrt ( len (ts_log_diff2)),linestyle = '--' ,color = 'gray' )
plt . title ( 'Autocorrelation Function' )
plt . subplot ( 122 )
plt . plot (lag_pacf)
plt . axhline (y = 0 ,linestyle = '--' ,color = 'gray' )
plt . axhline (y =- 1.96 / np. sqrt ( len (ts_log_diff2)),linestyle = '--' ,color = 'gray' )
plt . axhline (y = 1.96 / np. sqrt ( len (ts_log_diff2)),linestyle = '--' ,color = 'gray' )
plt . title ( 'Partial Autocorrelation Function' )
plt . tight_layout ()
需要注意的是这条虚线, 这是用来判断ARIMA 模型的p
参数的工具. 判断的原理为:
我们认为如果相关系数 为0, 则不存在相关性. 而相关系数是符合标准正态分布 的统计量, 即N ( 0 , 1 ) N(0,1) N ( 0 , 1 ) . 对于显著性水平α = 0.05 \alpha=0.05 α = 0.05 , 对应的z α / 2 = 1.96 z_{\alpha/2}=1.96 z α /2 = 1.96 .
这是考虑其中某一个相关系数, 如果考虑多个相关系数, 即考虑每个lag
对应的相关系的平均水平 , 就变成了相关系数均值 统计量的情况. 很显然, 这个均值仍服从期望为0的正态分布, 但此时的方差变为了1 n \frac{1}{n} n 1 , n n n 为样本量的数量, 从而95%
置信水平对应的置信区间变为了[ − 1.96 / n , 1.96 / n ] [-1.96/\sqrt{n}, 1.96/\sqrt{n}] [ − 1.96/ n , 1.96/ n ]
根据上面两幅图, 得到p = 2 p=2 p = 2 , q = 2 q=2 q = 2 .
复制 from statsmodels . tsa . arima_model import ARIMA
复制 model = ARIMA (ts_log, order = ( 2 , 2 , 2 ))
这是因为, 我们确定了二阶差分的结果为稳定序列, 在ARIMA模型中可以指定d d d 参数进行差分. 当然也可以使用差分后 , 或者其他方法处理后 得到的平稳序列 进行建模, 这样在ARIMA模型中指定d d d 参数为0就可以了.
需要注意的是 : 如果使用处理后的平稳序列来建模, 需要考虑如何将ARIMA模型拟合出来的结果序列, 以及预测序列进行还原 . 平滑, 分解, 差分等方法对应着不同的还原方法.
直接将非平稳序列投入到ARIMA模型中, 使用提前确定好的能使序列平稳的差分阶数进行处理, 得到的拟合结果是差分之后的, 需要进行差分的还原才能投入到模型中的原始的非平稳时间序列进行对比.
复制 results_ARIMA = model . fit (disp =- 1 )
复制 " | " . join ([t for t in results_ARIMA. __dir__ () if not t. startswith ( "_" )])
复制 'aic | arfreq | arparams | arroots | bic | bse | conf_int | cov_params | data | df_model | df_resid | f_test | fittedvalues | forecast | hqic | initialize | k_ar | k_constant | k_diff | k_exog | k_ma | k_trend | llf | load | mafreq | maparams | maroots | mle_retvals | mle_settings | model | n_totobs | nobs | normalized_cov_params | params | plot_predict | predict | pvalues | remove_data | resid | save | scale | sigma2 | summary | summary2 | t_test | t_test_pairwise | tvalues | use_t | wald_test | wald_test_terms'
复制 print ( "AIC:" , results_ARIMA.aic)
print ( "BIC:" , results_ARIMA.bic)
print ( "Parameters:" )
print (results_ARIMA.params)
复制 AIC: -230.4544919731087
BIC: -212.71952962750115
const -0.000078
ar.L1.D2.#Passengers -0.579206
ar.L2.D2.#Passengers 0.035827
ma.L1.D2.#Passengers -0.134602
ma.L2.D2.#Passengers -0.865398
dtype: float64
复制 plt . plot (ts_log_diff2)
plt . plot (results_ARIMA.fittedvalues, color = 'red' )
plt . title ( 'RSS: %.4f ' % sum ((results_ARIMA.fittedvalues - ts_log_diff2) ** 2 ))
复制 Text(0.5,1,'RSS: 1.5016')
复制 results_ARIMA . plot_predict ()
方法进行拟合结果的输出, 注意typ
参数, 指定了两种输出的形式:
linear: 输出差分后的结果, 结果与.fittedvalues
levels: 输入原始的结果, 已经消除了差分之后的结果
复制 history_log_pred = results_ARIMA . predict (typ = "levels" )
history_org_pred = np . exp (history_log_pred)
plt . plot (ts[ 2 :])
plt . plot (history_org_pred)
plt . title ( 'RMSE: %.4f ' % np. sqrt ( sum ((history_org_pred - ts[ 2 :]) ** 2 ) / len (ts)))
复制 Text(0.5,1,'RMSE: 31.2558')
方法对未来进行预测, 可以指定返回的未来时间点的数量.
返回三个值, 分别是:
forecast : array
Array of out of sample forecasts
stderr : array
Array of the standard error of the forecasts.
conf_int : array
2d array of the confidence interval for the forecast, 即每个预测点的置信区间
复制 results_ARIMA . forecast ( 12 )
复制 (array([6.14101531, 6.10819661, 6.13524774, 6.12372575, 6.13657083,
6.13380071, 6.14082833, 6.14150192, 6.14608714, 6.1480594 ,
6.15156556, 6.15396998]),
array([0.10127036, 0.16498959, 0.20231821, 0.23821591, 0.26685385,
0.29415374, 0.31827347, 0.34119512, 0.3623683 , 0.38255293,
0.40161437, 0.41987825]),
array([[5.94252906, 6.33950156],
[5.78482295, 6.43157028],
[5.73871134, 6.53178414],
[5.65683114, 6.59062036],
[5.6135469 , 6.65959476],
[5.55726998, 6.71033145],
[5.51702379, 6.76463287],
[5.47277176, 6.81023207],
[5.43585832, 6.85631597],
[5.39826943, 6.89784937],
[5.36441585, 6.93871527],
[5.33102373, 6.97691623]]))
复制 forecast_value = pd . Series (results_ARIMA. forecast ( 12 )[ 0 ], index = [history_org_pred.index[ - 1 ] + i for i in range ( 1 , 13 )])
forecast_value . head ()
复制 1961-01-01 6.141015
1961-02-01 6.108197
1961-03-01 6.135248
1961-04-01 6.123726
1961-05-01 6.136571
dtype: float64
复制 plt . plot (ts[ 2 :])
plt . plot (np. exp (pd. concat ([history_log_pred, forecast_value])))
复制 [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1761ec0e978>]